Weitere Artikel der Ausgabe February 2023

Citizen's Income from 2023

Personen auf Münzen

Citizen's Income

The citizen's income for jobseekers was introduced on January 1, 2023 as a replacement for Hartz IV. It will be introduced in two stages: on January 1 and July 1, 2023. The Citizen's Income is intended to enable the standard requirements to be updated in line with expected price trends more promptly and thus more effectively in the future. In the future, single persons and single parents will receive € 502.00. For two partners in a needs-based community, the standard rate will be € 451.00 each.

Waiting periods, asset limits

Another new feature is that the adequacy of the housing used by the recipient of the citizen's income, the costs of which are borne by the state, will only be reviewed after a 12-month waiting period. Within this waiting period, assets up to € 40,000.00 remain protected for the first person in the community of need. For each additional person, an allowance of € 15,000.00 applies.

No more placement priority

For recipients of the citizen's income, there is no longer a priority for placement. This means that further training and the acquisition of a vocational qualification are given greater priority. The so-called moratorium on sanctions has been lifted. If appointments are missed without good cause, benefits can be reduced more promptly.

Status: January 27, 2023

Image: Khongtham - stock.adobe.com

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