Weitere Artikel der Ausgabe Summer 2023

Innovations for blood and plasma donation


Transfusion Act

On March 16, the German Bundestag passed an amendment to the Transfusion Act. Section 12 a of the Transfusion Act was newly inserted. This new provision explicitly clarifies that the sexual orientation and gender identity of the person willing to donate or his or her sexual partners may not be taken into account when assessing the risk leading to exclusion or deferral from donation. The abolition of the existing discrimination was included in the coalition agreement as well as in the action plan "Queer living". Previously, affected individuals were not allowed to donate blood until four months after such behavior had ceased. In the future, risk limitation through targeted donor selection is to be based on an individual, non-discriminatory risk assessment.

Age limit, telemedical examinations

The age limit has also been lifted. Previously, the age limit was 60 for first-time donors and 68 for repeat donors. The amendment also made telemedical examinations during blood donation legally permissible. As a result of the amendment, the German Medical Association is now required to amend its hemotherapy guidelines accordingly.

Status: May 29, 2023

Image: Pixel-Shot - stock.adobe.com

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